Defining Recurring Revenue Types

This Help File Page was last Modified on 09/18/2013

Defining Recurring Revenue Types

This Help File Page was last Modified on 09/18/2013

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Defining Recurring Revenue Types

This Help File Page was last Modified on 09/18/2013

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Set Up: Recurring Revenue Sales Types


Adding Sale-Purchase Items for Recurring Revenue
To create a Sale-Purchase Item that defines a Recurring Revenue type, from the Main Menu Select the Maintenance Menu and Choose Sales-Purchase Items.
As with all Data Entry Forms in MKMS, Yellow indicates a mandatory field that must be completed for the record to be saved.



Sale-Purchase Item Form - Edit View tab - Recurring Revenue item

To define a Recurring Revenue type of Sale-Purchase Item, Click the HelpFilesNavigationMenuNewIcon on the Navigation Menu to start the Sale-Purchase Item entry.
Item ID - Enter a unique Item ID - the first of which must be the capital letter "R".
Recurring Revenue Sales Items must begin with a capital "R", followed by a Dash ("-"), followed by at least one number, or upper case letter, or any combination of these.
All letters will be capitalized automatically.
The end result is that a virtually unlimited number of Recurring Revenue types may be defined!
Item Type - Click the Drop-Down Selection List and Choose Sale to indicate this Recurring Revenue is (and will always be) a Sale.
Retail Price - Enter the Retail Price that would normally or usually be charged (typically your monthly rate) for this Recurring Revenue item.
Note: This Retail Price will be inserted as the default Price when an Invoice with a Recurring Revenue item is created manually.
Automatic Recurring Revenue Invoices, when created, charge the rate established in their assigned Pay Group (see Auto Bill: Defining Recurring Revenue for more information).
If you are using the General Ledger System: (Note that these General Ledger related fields will be highlighted in Yellow)
Sale GL # - Enter the General Ledger Account Number for this type of Recurring Revenue Sale.
Dept - If you have initiated the use of Departments, enter the appropriate Department number using the Drop-Down Selection List provided.
Unearned Revenue GL# - Optionally - for Recurring Revenue definitions - if tracking Earned and Deferred Revenues, using the Drop-Down Selection List provided, Choose the appropriate General Ledger Account Number - the Liability Account which is defined for Deferred Revenues.
oIf an Unearned Revenue GL# is not entered when appropriate, an error message will be displayed.


No Unearned Revenue GL Account #


oOnce saved, if the Unearned Revenue GL# is subsequently changed, the system will make the appropriate General Journal Entry to move any existing Unearned Revenue to that newly assigned General Ledger Account Number.
oWhen the Automatic Billing procedure is started, a Warning Message will be presented if a Recurring Revenue Sale-Purchase Item would be billed without a General Ledger Account Number assigned to the Unearned Revenue field of that Sale-Purchase Item.


AR Taxable? - Check this box if this Recurring Revenue Sale-Purchase Item is normally Taxable.



When entering a Sales Invoice:
a)If AR Taxable? is Checked, whenever this Sale-Purchase Item is entered on a Sales Invoice, the appropriate Tax Code & Tax Percentage Rate will be inserted automatically, based on the Sales Tax information entered in the Accounting Info Tab for that Subscriber.
b)If Not Checked, whenever this Sale-Purchase Item is entered on a Sales Invoice, the Tax Code will be entered as N (Non) and the Tax Percentage Rate set set at 0%, regardless of the Sales Tax information entered in the Accounting Info Tab for that Subscriber.
Commission Activation Fee - Do not Check this box when defining a Recurring Revenue Item.
Commission Points - Enter a Point Value for those eligible for Commissions on the sale of this Recurring Revenue item
Other Check Boxes - There are several other Check Boxes that may, or may not be needed for this Recurring Revenue Sale-Purchase Item:



Non Report - Check Non Report if this item should not be included in certain Sales Analysis Reports.  
Show on Work Order / Service Request - Check the Show on Work Order / Service Request box if this Sale-Purchase Item has been assigned an Item Type of Sale or Both and might be needed when recording the use of Inventory and/or Materials on a Service Request.
oThe Drop-Down Selection List used to Choose the appropriate Inventory Item used on a Work Order, accessed within the Web Tech Service, will now contain only those Sale-Purchase Items which have a Check in the Show on Work Order / Service Request box.
oThe Drop-Down Selection List used to Choose the appropriate Inventory and/or Materials usage in the Inventory/Materials tab of the Service Request Form will now contain only those Sale-Purchase Items which have a Check in the Show on Work Order / Service Request box.
oBy Not Checking this box, this Sale-Purchase Item will not be included in the Drop-Down Selection List lists that are provided to a Technician working in the field using the Web Tech Service or to any User recording information within the Inventory and/or Materials tab on a Service Request Form.
oThe result is that any Sale-Purchase Items that are defined to identify Purchases or Sales that are unrelated to providing Service to Subscribers will be eliminated from the list - making that Selection process easier and faster, thus reducing the Drop-Down Selection List list to a manageable size, and more importantly, with a definable content.
Show on Proposal - Check the Show on Proposal box if this is a Sale item which may be used on a Proposal (also see Proposal Description below).
Inactive - Located within the Inventory section of the Sale-Purchase Item Form, this Check box identifies an item as Inactive and therefore no longer in use.
oThe Inactive Check box is provided because, once entered and used, a Sale-Purchase Item cannot be deleted because it has become part of the Transaction "History" maintained by the system.
oChecking this box will remove this item from the Drop-Down Selection Listes normally used to Choose a specific Sale-Purchase Item for a Sale or Purchase.
Description - Enter the Description that should be printed on an Invoice for this type of Recurring Revenue
This Description may be modified as each Subscriber's Recurring Revenue Rules are defined.
Enter up to 70 alpha-numeric characters: upper and lower case letters are allowed, most punctuation marks, with spaces also permitted.
Proposal Description - Click the Proposal Description Icon on the Navigation Menu at the top of the Sale-Purchase Items Form where a more detailed Description of this Recurring Revenue item may be entered



This expanded description will be shown on Proposals containing this Sale-Purchase Item.
Type whatever is appropriate.
Click ü OK to save the entry.
Price In - Enter the Price In (the actual cost or wholesale value) for this item.
This is particularly important if the Sale-Purchase Item is to be used to identify Both a Purchase and a Sale, or if you will be using the Pricing Mark Up Groups to a calculate the Retail Price for this item on an Invoice or a Proposal.
If this is an Inventory Item, the Price In field becomes a mandatory entry.



Sale Item Group - Optionally, Select a Sale Item Group using the Drop-Down Selection List provided at the top of the Sale-Purchase Item Form.
If a large quantity of Sale-Purchase Items have been defined, this Sale Item Grouping feature allows you to Select the desired Sale-Purchase Item from a filtered list (based on the Sale Item Group assigned to it).
The Advanced Sale Item Lookup function (accessed with Alt+F2 from within the Sale-Purchase Item Drop-Down Selection List on Sales, Proposal, Purchase Order and Purchases forms) lets you Select from a list of items limited to a specific group - thereby presenting a much shorter list from which to choose.
Click the Save (<) Icon to record this entry.