Proposal Items tab

This Help File Page was last Modified on 11/29/2013

Proposal Items tab

This Help File Page was last Modified on 11/29/2013

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Proposal Items tab

This Help File Page was last Modified on 11/29/2013

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Entering the Proposal Items - While using the Proposal Items tab to enter the details of the Proposal, these special Icons at the top of the Proposal Form may speed the creation of the Proposal:
Proposal Package - If this is a Proposal that conforms to what was defined as a Proposal Package,



Click the Packages Icon at the top of the Proposal Form (see mouse pointer in the illustration above).
Using the Search Proposal Package dialog (shown below), Choose the appropriate Proposal Package.


Search Proposal Package dialog


Search By - Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose either the Package ID, its Description or a Price to Search By.
Search Value - Enter the appropriate numbers, characters, or value to locate the desired Proposal Package.
Select - Click on the desired package..
Click OK when you have located the correct package.
The Proposal Items for the selected Proposal Package will be automatically inserted into the Proposal.
The Note field will be pre-populated with the Proposal Package line item's Description it it was previously entered in the Proposal Package Form.
This Note field information will also be printed on the Proposal.


Copy from Template - If this is a Proposal that is very similar to a previously created Proposal, you may use that Proposal as a Template for this new one.



Click the Copy From Template Icon at the top of the Proposal Form (see mouse pointer in the illustration above).
Using the Proposal Search dialog (shown below), Choose the appropriate Proposal.



Proposal Search dialog


Search By - Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose either the Proposal Number or Creation Date to Search By.
Search Value - Enter the appropriate numbers, or date to locate the desired Proposal Template.
Select - Click on the desired template.
Click the OK button when you have located the correct template.
The Proposal Items for the selected Proposal Template will be automatically inserted into this Proposal including any information contained in the  selected Proposal Template's sub-tabs (Proposal Items, Recurring Items, Job Tasks, and Options).


Note - Even if you have used a Template or a Proposal Package (see "Proposal Package" above), to create the list of Proposal Items for this Proposal, you may still want/need to modify some of the Detail Line Items, or add additional Proposal Items to this new Proposal.


Be sure to also read about the "Other Special Icons on the Proposal Form" at the end of this chapter.


Pricing the Proposal Items - The Pricing Method that will be used is identified by activating one or more of these three Special Pricing features:
1.Use the Price Margin percentage entered in the Company Options tab of the User Options Form.
This is accomplished by having the Proposal Prices calculated using the Cost (Price In) entered for the Sales-Purchase Items which is then adjusted by the Proposal Margin Percentage Rate entered in the Company Options tab of the User Options Form.
2.Use the Price (Retail Price) as established in the Sales-Purchase Items Form.
The Price of each Proposal Item is based on the Retail Price assigned in the Sales-Purchase Items Form.
If no Retail Price was assigned, the Price of the Proposal Item must be defined manually as it is entered.
3.If one or more Pricing Markup Groups have been defined, and one of these has subsequently been assigned to the current Prospect (or Subscriber), and/or Price Override information has been entered for specific Sales-Purchase Items:
The Retail Price assigned in the Sales-Purchase Items Form will be adjusted (up or down) by the (positive or negative) Percentage Rate assigned to the Pricing Markup Group.
So, if a Pricing Markup Group has been assigned to the Prospect (or Subscriber), that Pricing Method will be implemented.
The Price Override tab in the Sales-Purchase Items Form was used to enter a different set of Pricing Mark Up/Down Percentages for the Pricing Mark Up Group which has been assigned to this Prospect (or Subscriber),
However, if no Pricing Markup Group is assigned to the current Prospect (or Subscriber), Pricing Method #1 above will be applied (if activated), otherwise Pricing Method #2 above will be used.


In summary, based on the Pricing Method chosen for Pricing the Proposals, each Proposal's Proposal Item price will be calculated:
a)Based on the predefined mark-up of the Cost for that part or service (as defined in the Company Options tab of the User Options Form)
b)On a preset Price (Retail Price) as established in the Sales-Purchase Items Form, or
c)By a calculation based on the Pricing Markup Group assigned to the current Prospect (or Subscriber).


Entering a Proposal Item - After starting a New Proposal, (see Starting a Proposal in the Proposals chapter), Click on the first line of the Proposal Items tab and follow the directions in the "Entering a Detail Line Item" below:
Entering a Detail Line Item:
Item - Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Sale-Purchase Item for this line item.



 Proposal Items on the Proposals Form with No Estimate Price Defined message displayed


Note #1: If the selected Sale-Purchase Item does not have the Price In defined (which is used to calculate the Cost of this item in the Proposal Estimate tab), a No Estimate  Price Defined warning message will appear to the right of the Proposal Items tab.
After completing the Proposal, you may return to the Sale-Purchase Item Form and update the Price In field.
Then, return to this Proposal and Click the Recalculate button on the Proposal Estimate tab to recalculate the Cost Estimate values.
Note #2: If you have too many Sale-Purchase Items defined to easily locate the one you want to assigned:



Sale-Purchase Items list with Item ID, Description, Retail Price and Mark Up Price


Press Alternate and F2 keys at the same time (Alt+F2) to activate the Advanced Sale Item Lookup.
Description - By default, the Description, entered when this Sale-Purchase Item was defined, will be inserted.
You may revise it or simply add a Note (see Note - (Memo) below) to clarify this Proposal Item.
Price - By default, the Price (see "Pricing the Proposal Items" above), based on the Pricing Method you've chosen, will be inserted.
You may revise it, if required.
You may "zero-out" the Price if it has been included as part of the Price of another Proposal Item, but you still want to list the item, itself.
Regardless of the the Pricing Method you've chosen, the Cost of this item will still be Calculated (Price In of the Sale-Purchase Item multiplied by the Quantity) and included within Proposal Estimate tab.
Qty (Quantity) - By default, the Quantity will be 1.
Enter whatever Quantity is appropriate.
Estimate Type - For a Proposal that is to be converted to a Job by Job Costing System users, and/or to ensure that the cost of each item is properly Calculated on the Proposal Estimate tab:
Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the appropriate Job Expense Type.


Local Tax: If you must charge Local Sales Taxes and have correctly completed the Tax tab in the User Options Form, these fields will appear, otherwise they will not be displayed.
Code - If this Prospect/Subscriber is Taxable and is charged a Local Sales Tax, enter Yes if this item is Taxable and No for Non-taxable.
% (Tax Rate) - If there is a Local Sales Tax in effect and this item is Taxable, enter the Local Sales Tax Rate.
Local Sales Tax is not included in the Proposal Estimate tab calculation because it is a "pass through" from the Prospect (or Subscriber) to the Government.
National Tax: If you must charge a National Sales Tax and have correctly completed the Tax tab in the User Options Form, these fields will appear, otherwise they will not be displayed.
Natl. Code - If this Prospect/Subscriber is Taxable and is charged a National Sales Tax, enter Yes if this item is Taxable and No for Non-taxable.
% (Tax Rate) - If there is a National Sales Tax in effect and this item is Taxable, enter the National Sales Tax Rate.
National Sales Tax is not included in the Proposal Estimate tab calculation because it is a "pass through" from the Prospect (or Subscriber) to the Government.
Commission To - By default, this will be the Salesman assigned to the Prospect.
When assigning a Salesperson to a Detail Line Item of a Proposal: only those Employees whose Employee Type is identified as either Sales or All will be available (in the Drop-Down Selection List list) for populating the Commission To (or Salesman) fields.
Note - (Memo) - If a more detailed explanation is needed for the Proposal Item,
Double-Click Note field to open a Note Pad dialog.
Enter what is required (no formatting options are available but multiple lines of information may be entered).
Click OK to save the entry.
This field will be filled in automatically when using a predefined Proposal Package to populate the Proposal Items tab.
Net - The proposed item's cost times the quantity proposed, computed by the system.
Tax - The proposed item's sales tax  times the quantity proposed, computed by the system.
Labor - The proposed item's labor cost times the quantity proposed, computed by the system.
Gross - The sum of this proposed item's costs as described above, computed by the system.
Click the Save ("ü") Icon to record the Proposal Item.
Press the Down Arrow i to start a new Proposal Item.


Finalizing the Proposal:




Totals - Displays the Net, Tax, Labor and the Total for all of the Proposal Items on this Proposal.


Comments - This field is only used to record "Internal" notes and/or comments and will not be printed on the actual Proposal.
To enter any additional information that will help the Prospect/Subscriber better understand the charges on this Proposal,
Use the Note field and/or
Use Proposal Headers and/or Footers (see the Proposal Paragraphs and Proposal chapters for additional information).


Trash - Used to delete a Proposal Item that was entered incorrectly or is not needed.
Delete Security Rights for the Proposal Form are required to remove a line item.
Drag and Drop the Proposal Item to be deleted onto the Trash can Icon.
Confirm that this Proposal Item Deletion was intentional.




If this Proposal Item Deletion was requested for a Proposal Package Item which was marked as Required, a Modification Detected - Item is Locked message will be displayed.




If appropriate, Re-Confirm that this Deletion was intentional.




Complete the Authorization information, as required.
Click the OK ü button to execute the removal.
Click Save ("ü") to complete/update this Proposal.


Other Special Icons on the Proposal Form:
Discount - If you are Discounting the Net Amount of this Proposal from its total originally calculated price (whether for a Sales Promotion or some other compensation situation):



The Discount function allows you to apply either a specific "percentage off" value (the default), or a specific "dollar off" amount, either of which will be calculated by the Proposal form and inserted as a separate Proposal Item.
To provide a Discount on the Proposal based on the Net Total (exclusive of any amounts in the Labor column):
To enter a Discount percentage:
oEnter the discount percentage.
oThe Discount button will be activated.


oClick the Discount button at the top of the Discount Icon.
If this Discount is to be an Exact Dollar amount:
oUncheck the % box
oEnter an Exact Dollar amount.
oThe Discount button will be activated.


oClick the Discount button at the top of the Discount Icon.
In either case, a new Proposal Item will be calculated based on the percentage or amount entered and inserted as a new line item.
oClick Save ("ü") at the top of the Proposal Form.
Sales Tax Issues: In some states, Sales Tax may not be credited as part of the Discount.
If this is your situation and Sales Tax has been charged on other items, Click the Local Tax Code column and, using the Drop-Down Selection List provided, Choose "N" (No) - which is the default.
If a Discount may be applied to Sales Tax and you want to do so:
oClick the Local Tax Code column.
oUsing the Drop-Down Selection List provided, Choose "Y" (Yes).
oManually enter the Sales Tax Percentage Rate %.
Note: The above step is not necessary when creating a Proposal for a Subscriber.

The Tax Rate % and Discounted Sales Tax amount will be inserted automatically when the Local Tax Code is re-set to Y).

oClick Save ("ü") at the top of the Proposal Form.
oThe Sales Tax amount, that should be discounted, will be calculated automatically.


Reorder - If the sequence of the items on the Proposal might cause confusion and you would like to rearrange the order in which they will be printed:
Click the Reorder button on the top of the Proposal Form to rearrange the sequence of the Proposal Items.



The Reorder Items dialog box will be displayed.
Click on the item to be moved
Click the Up h or Down i button as needed to relocate the item.
Click the Save button and Confirm that you do want to Reorder the item.
Repeat the selection and move process as needed.



Reorder Items dialog


Click the Save ("ü") Icon at the top of the Proposal Form to record these changes to this Proposal.


Add Documents to Proposal - Documents may be attached to this Proposal using this button.
These mat then be printed as part of the Proposal if the Print Attached Documents option is Checked on the Print Proposal dialog.



Click the Add Documents to Proposal Icon at the top of the Proposal Form (see mouse pointer in the illustration above).
Follow the instructions in the Documents chapter to add a Documents to this Proposal.



Print - Click the Print Icon on the top of the Proposal Form to view and/or print this Proposal.


Print Proposal dialog for this specific Proposal


See Print Proposals for complete information on how to print your Proposals.


Modifying an Existing Proposal:
After entering a Proposal, there may be a need to Modify a specific Proposal Item on an Existing Proposal,



Proposal Items tab on the Proposal Form


Click on the Item column of that Proposal Item which needs to be changed, and then follow the "Entering a Detail Line Item" instructions above.
Also, if an additional Proposal Item must be inserted into an Existing Proposal,
Click on the last Proposal Item
Press the Down-Arrow i on your keyboard
This will insert a new Proposal Item line.
Click the Save ("ü") Icon at the top of the Proposal Form to record these changes to this Proposal.