Work Order, Labor & Inventory\Materials tabs

This Help File Page was last Modified on 08/23/2013

Work Order, Labor & Inventory\Materials tabs

This Help File Page was last Modified on 08/23/2013

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Work Order, Labor & Inventory\Materials tabs

This Help File Page was last Modified on 08/23/2013

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Based on the selection criteria entered on the Work Order Invoicing/Review Form, (see Set the Viewing Parameters in Work Order Invoicing/Review), that specified list of Work Orders (i.e., the Work Order Listing) will be displayed.
The Details of a Work Order that is Selected within the Work Order Listing will be shown in the three tabs located immediately below the Work Order Listing.
1.Work Order - Shows basic information, time and charges for the currently selected Work Order record within the Work Order list.
2.Labor - Allows for the entry of the time and charges for each Technician that serviced this Work Order.
3.Inventory\Materials - Allows for the entry of Inventory Items and miscellaneous Materials expenses required to service this Work Order.


Updating data on each of the Work Order Invoicing/Review Form's tabs:
Work Order tab - Within the Work Order Listing, Click on (i.e., select) a Work Order record.
The current information about the selected Work Order will be shown within the Work Order tab (illustrated below).



Work Order Invoicing/Review - Work Order tab


Technician - If not entered, use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Lead Technician for this Work Order.
You may also attribute the Labor hours and charges for this Work Order to more than one Technician, as needed (following the instructions in Labor tab below).
However, this Technician selection represents the "Technician of Record" (a.k.a. "Lead Technician") for this Work Order.
Service - If not entered, use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Service Type that best characterizes this Work Order.
Service Category - Use the Drop-Down Selection List in the field to the right and Choose the Service Category related to the Service Type that best characterizes this Work Order.
Serviced On -If not entered, use the Drop-Down Date Selection Box to enter the date that this service was performed.
Hours - This number represents the sum of all man-hours charged for Labor from all the Technicians that performed work for this Work Order.
Labor - This number represents the total Bill Rate charges for Labor from all the Technicians that performed work for this Work Order.
Inv\Materials - This number represents the total Retail Price charges for Inventory\Material items used for this Work Order.
Misc Cost - Enter any Miscellaneous Costs - beyond those entered for Labor and Inventory\Material.
Comments may be entered in the Services Performed field to clarified this charge.
Total - This number represents the sum of the "Retail" Labor, Inventory\Material and Miscellaneous Costs, including Sales Tax.
Services Performed - Enter a description of the work that was actually performed.
Invoice? - Check this box to have the Generate Invoices function create an Invoice for this Work Order.
Admin Review? - Check this box to indicate the an Administrator has reviewed this Work Order.
Resolution -If not entered, use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the appropriate Work Order Resolution for this Work Order.
Save - Click the Save < button to record this Work Order update.
Cancel - Click the Cancel button to abort this edit.


Labor tab - Click the Labor tab to add and/or update the information relating to the Technician(s) that worked on this Service Request, and the Labor Hours that are to be charged to this Service Request (Work Order).



Work Order Invoicing/Review Form -  Labor tab


Date - Use the Drop-Down Date Selection Box to enter the Date that this Labor was provided.
Tech - Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Technician that performed this Labor.
Rate - Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Rate Code that will be used to calculate the cost and retail price charged for this Labor.
Consider defining a "Warranty" Pay Rate for the Technician which would have the appropriate Internal Pay Rate but a Bill Rate of $0.00
In this manner, when Completing a Service Request, the "Cost" and "Hours" of Labor that was required may be properly tracked and a No Charge Invoice could be sent to the Subscriber indicating what was done, but that there would be was no charges to them.
Hours - Enter the number of Hours of Labor that will be charged to this Work Order.
Pay Rate - Calculated based on the Pay Rate entered in Employee Pay Rates tab of this Technician's Employee record.
Bill Rate - Calculated based on the Bill  Rate entered in Employee Pay Rates tab of this Technician's Employee record.
Comments - Double-Click this field to enter a brief description (for internal use only) of the Labor charge.
Click Save ("ü") to complete the entry.


Note: If you want to create a No Charge Invoice, :
oBe sure to re-set the Price to $0.00 in all cost related fields.
oUse a "Warranty" Pay Rate for the Technician which would have the appropriate Internal Pay Rate but a Bill Rate of $0.00 (see the Rates tab on the Employee Form for more information about this entry).
oThen, a No Charge Invoice can be sent to the Subscriber noting what was done, that they were not being charged, and why they were not charged (e.g., Warranty Repair, Extended Service Agreement coverage, a Friend).
oIn this manner Labor costs and Inventory Usage may be accounted for, and the Work Order processing procedure can be properly "finished" .


Inventory\Materials tab - Click the Inventory/Materials tab to record the Inventory and other Materials and Expenses that will be charged to this Work Order.



Work Order Invoicing/Review Form - Inventory\Materials tab


Item - Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Sale Purchase Item that was used on this Work Order.



Sale-Purchase Items Drop-Down Select Box list


Description - By default, this will be the description defined for the selected Sale Purchase Item. This may be modified, if required.
Qty - By default, this will be 1. Enter the quantity of this item that was actually used.
Cost - By default, this will be the Retail Price defined for the selected Sale Purchase Item. This may be modified, if required.
Net - The result of the Retail Price times the Quantity used.
Tech - Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Technician that used this Inventory or incurred the Materials charges.
Warehouse - If any Sale-Purchase Item entered here was defined as an Inventory Item, the Default Warehouse will be inserted.
Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Warehouse from which this Inventory Item was actually taken, if it was not the Default.
Commission To - If using the Commissions Tracking System, and this Sale-Purchase Item is Commission Eligible, use the Drop-Down Selection List provided to Choose the appropriate Employee to whom the Commission should be paid.
Click Save ("ü") to complete the entry.
Installed Equipment - The Inventory Items identified within the Inventory\Materials tab (see immediately above) may be recorded in the Installed Equipment Form for the Subscriber whose Work Order is being reviewed.



Click the Install Equipment button located at the bottom of the Work Order tab to open the Add Installed Equipment dialog.



Add Installed Equipment dialog


Install? - In the Install? column, Check the box of each Inventory Item that is to be added to this Subscriber's Installed Equipment Form.
Item - The Sale-Purchase Item Code entered in the Inventory\Materials tab.
Description - The default Description of the selected Sale-Purchase Item.
Date Installed - By default, the Date Installed will be Today.
Use the Drop-Down Date Selection Box to change this component's Installation Date.
Warranty Expires - By default, the Warranty Expires will be one Year after the default Installed Date (see above).
Use the Drop-Down Date Selection Box to change this component's Warranty Expiration Date.
Ok - Click the Ok button to record this information and Close the Add Installed Equipment dialog.