Non Restored Signals

This Help File Page was last Modified on 06/30/2012

Non Restored Signals

This Help File Page was last Modified on 06/30/2012

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Non Restored Signals

This Help File Page was last Modified on 06/30/2012

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A brief Restoral Information Overview (also see the Restoral Information chapter for additional information):
Trouble Signals are transmitted by an Alarm System to indicate that there is a situation that needs to be rectified - either internally based on that situation clearing itself, or externally based on an action that needs to be taken by the Subscriber, a corrective service visit a Technician, or a responsible person visiting the premises to reset what ever is wrong - which would cause that Alarm System to transmit a follow-up Restoral Signal, or an Operator - subsequently notified of the correction - to manually clear that Trouble Signal at the Central Station.
There are three ways to classify those Trouble Signals that require some type of follow up by an Operator and/or a Technician, and then to specify what type of handling would be required to deal with that Trouble Signal.
These Trouble Signal classifications are:
1.Trouble Signals requiring an immediate Operator Response.
a.A Trouble Signal is immediately generated for the Operator to handle.
b.Normal Signal Processing procedures are followed in this case.
2.Trouble Signals requiring an Operator Response, but only if a specified Restoral Signal is not received within a specified number of Minutes.
a.When this type of signal is received, SPA automatically places it on Hold for the specified  number of Minutes and waits for the receipt of that Restoral Signal.
b.If the appropriate Restoral Signal is received within the designated number of Minutes, the Trouble Signal is resolved internally and it is never shown to an Operator.
c.If the appropriate Restoral Signal is not received within the designated number of Minutes, SPA automatically generates a Failed To Restore (FR*) event which must then be processed by an Operator.
3.Trouble Signals that require some type of follow up which does not have to be performed immediately, and so that follow up is not required within a designated timeframe - and that Trouble situation may report a specified Restoral Signal at any time, thereby eliminating the need for any follow up.
a.The Non Restored Signals tab described below provides a list of this type of Trouble Signals.
b.These Non Restored Signals may be manually Cleared by an Operator once (s)he is notified that the situation reported by the Trouble Signal has been resolved, or Cleared automatically if the appropriate Restoral Signal is received.


If the Non Restored Signals tab is not displayed, Select the Non Restored Signals option on the Actions Sub Menu of the Actions Tab of the Tool Bar Menu to view the Non Restored Signals dialog.
By default, the Non Restored Signals tab (which provides immediate access to the Non Restored Signals dialog) will be displayed at the bottom of the Signal Processing screen.



Click the Non Restored Signals tab at the bottom of the MKMSCS Desktop to open the Non Restored Signals dialog.



Non Restored Signals dialog


If you do not want the Non Restored Signals tab displayed on the MKMSCS Desktop, Click the Close x button.
If the Non Restored Signals tab is removed, it may be re-displayed by Selecting the Non Restored Signals option on the Actions Sub Menu of the Actions Tab on the Tool Bar Menu.
Once re-selected, the Non Restored Signals tab will continue to appear at the bottom of the MKMSCS Desktop until manually closed.
The actual Non Restored Signals list is not displayed until the Operator Clicks on the Non Restored Signals tab.
If you always want the Non Restored Signals dialog open with the list displayed, Click the Lock Panel Pin button in the upper right corner of the Form (see the mouse pointer in the illustration below).



Lock Panel Pin on the Non Restored Signals dialog


If you want to revert the display to only showing the Non Restored Signals tab until the list is actually needed, Click the Lock Panel Pin button again.



Refresh - Each time that the Non Restored Signals dialog is opened and the list is displayed, Click the Refresh button to display the most up-to-date listing of Non Restored Signals information.


Understanding this Non Restored Signals dialog:
There are four data columns on the Non Restored Signals dialog
1.Subscriber - The Name of the Subscriber which has a Non Restored Signal.
2.Phone - The Telephone Number of the Subscriber which has a Non Restored Signal.
3.CSID - The specific CSID of the Subscriber who has the Non Restored Signal.
4.Signals - The number of Signals received from the Subscriber which still require a Restoral.
Viewing the Non Restored Signals Detail:



x - Click the Expand Content box to view the Detail(s) box containing the expected Restoral Signal(s).
CSID - The specific CSID of the Subscriber who has the Non Restored Signal.
Received - The Date and Time the Non Restored Signal which required the Restoral was originally received.
Signal Identifier - The Signal ID which will Restore the Non Restored Signal.
Physical Zone - If present, the Physical Zone which will Restore the Non Restored Signal.
Click the Expand Content box's Minus Sign to closed the Detail(s) box.
To Expand the amount of space which is used to display the Non Restored Signals dialog:
Click the Lock Panel Pin to lock open the dialog.


Place the Cursor at the top of the Non Restored Signals title bar .
Drag the bar up (or down) to the desired position.
Click the Lock Panel Pin again.
The position that was set will be remembered the next time the Non Restored Signals dialog is opened.
Using the Non Restored Signals dialog:
The Non Restored Signals dialog provides a list of all the Accounts which should have, but have not, transmitted a Restoral Signal (indicating that a previously reported Trouble Signal of some type has been corrected) - excluding those Restoral Signals with a pre-established timeframe in which that Restoral Signal must be received (see Note below).
Note: Trouble Signals requiring that a subsequent Restoral Signal be received within a specific timeframe are not included in this Non Restored Signals dialog.
a)Those Signals, entered as CSID Zones or Panel Zones, are defined with the required Restoral Signal information and the number of Minutes within which that Restoral Signal is expected, will automatically generate a Failed To Restoral Signal for the Operator immediately after the Minutes identified have passed with no Restoral Signal being received.
b)Urgent Trouble Signals are dealt with immediately.
c)Those Urgent are defined as needing an Response immediately upon receipt of that Signal.
The less "urgent" Non Restored Signals - those not requiring an immediate response, and defined with a specific Restoral Zone but without a number of Minutes defined - are tracked using the Non Restored Signals dialog.
These Non Restored Signals will remain in the list until they are successfully "Cleared" using one of the following methods:
a.The required Restoral Signal is received and subsequently the Non Restored Signals dialog has been Refreshed.
b.A Restoral Signal is entered as a Manual Signal and the Non Restored Signals dialog has then been Refreshed.



Non Restored Accounts dialog


c.The Non Restored Accounts dialog within MKMS has been used to Clear one or more of the expected Restoral Signal(s) and subsequently the Non Restored Signals dialog has been Refreshed.
Outside of MKMSCS, the list of Non Restored Alarms may be printed, as needed in the Non Restored Alarms Report.


Exiting MKMSCS:
If there are one or more Non Restored Signals which have yet to be resolved, and you attempt to exit the MKMSCS application, a Warning message will be displayed.
Respond to this Warning dialog as appropriate:



Non Restored Signals Exit Warning


Click the Yes button to exit anyway, or the No button to return the the application.