Non-Restored Accounts

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/10/2014

Non-Restored Accounts

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/10/2014

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Non-Restored Accounts

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/10/2014

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Restoral Information Overview:
Trouble Signals may be generated by a Subscriber's Control Panel (e.g., Fire Trouble, Low Battery), and/or by MKMS CS.


There are three ways to identify a Trouble Signal that requires follow up by an Operator and/or a Technician, and then to specify what type of follow up is required.
1.Trouble Signals requiring an immediate Operator Response:
2.Trouble Signals requiring an Operator Response, but only if a specified Restoral Signal is not received within a specified number of Minutes:
3.Trouble Signals that require follow up, but that follow-up does not have to be performed immediately and so is not required within a designated time frame (and a Restoral Signal may subsequently be transmitted, thereby eliminating the need for any follow up):
a.The Non-Restored Alarms Report will list those Trouble Signals that reported Alarm Conditions that need to be corrected, but the Restoral Signal has not yet been received  and those Trouble Signals have no timeframe defined - so they were never presented to an Operator as a Failed To Restore signal.


Panel Zone and CSID Zone definitions often include Signals that represent a Restoral of a previously transmitted Trouble Signal.
Sometimes one or more of these Trouble Signals may need to be manually cleared (following a system repair or other action which requires a reset).
The Non Restored Accounts maintenance form provides this functionality.
To view the list of all Subscribers who have transmitted a Trouble Signal that requires a Restoral Signal which has Restoral Information defined without a value in the Minutes field,  and that required Restoral Signal has not yet been received:
On the Main Menu Select Maintenance, Choose Central Station, then Click Non Restored Accounts.



  There are currently no Non-Restored Accounts


If there are none, an Information message will be displayed indicating that situation.
Otherwise, the Non Restored Accounts list will be presented.


 Non Restored Accounts dialog


The Non-Restored Accounts Form allows the Operator to Clear Accounts manually, if required.
Clear Selection - This option allows the Operator to Clear the Selected Non Restored Account.
Select (Ctrl+Click on) the Account to be cleared.
The record pointer4will indicate the selected CSID.
Click the Clear Selection button.
Clear All - This option allows you to Clear all of the listed Non Restored Accounts.
Click the Clear All button.
Close - This option will close the Non Restored Accounts dialog.
Locate CSID - This option allows you to search for a specific CSID (using the standard CSID Search dialog) among all of these which have a Non Restored Signal.