Pay Import

This Help File Page was last Modified on 04/01/2012

Pay Import

This Help File Page was last Modified on 04/01/2012

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Pay Import

This Help File Page was last Modified on 04/01/2012

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There are several reason why you will need a Pay Import utility:
For those companies that do Acquisitions, often some form of "drop box" arrangements are made with the financial institution that provided funding for the acquired Accounts; and those that offer Dealer Monitoring for their Dealers (for which they provide Contract Monitoring Services) often collect the Dealer's payments for those Accounts, deduct the Wholesale Monitoring Costs - as defined in Auto Bill - and send the net balance to the Dealer.
In these cases, many lock box services provide a Payment Import file to allow a quick and easy way to record those Receipt transactions and then Assign Receipts to the appropriate Subscribers in your system.
In addition, there may be other Payers who batch pay and would like to do that with a single disbursement and a file detailing what Invoices those funds are paying.
These may include payments received for Medicare and Medicaid Senior Monitoring services.
In this case, those Accounts payments may be identified within individual line items on those Invoices.
To access this menu, on the Main Menu Choose Maintenance and Select the Accounts Receivable Items sub-menu, Click on the Pay Import menu




This Pay Import menu option provides access to utilities that allow you to import, assign, and custom define import file formats.
Regulus/WellsFargo Import - The Regulus/Wells Fargo Import menu allows you to use a preset import file format for importing those payments.
Import - The Import option allows you to custom define a Pay Import File Format and then import payments data from a file that was created using that File Format.