
This Help File Page was last Modified on 03/12/2014


This Help File Page was last Modified on 03/12/2014

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This Help File Page was last Modified on 03/12/2014

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As part of an Alarm Signal's predefined Operator Guided Response, the Operator will often be required to Contact an individual from the list of those persons designated by that Subscriber as their People To Call.
When this Contact (or virtually any telephone contact) is required, the Contacts tab on the Signal Processing screen will be selected by the system.
The Contacts tab may also be manually selected by Pressing Alt+O.



Contacts tab on the Signal Processing screen


Available Call List - There are four columns of data on the Contacts tab (also see information on the General & Comments sub-tabs).
1.Call Type - The source of the Call List Contact:
a.Standard - This is a member of the Subscriber's People To Call list.
b.Alternate - This is a member of the Alternate Call List assigned in Subscriber Panels.
c.Dealer - This is a member of the Dealer Call List that is assigned to the Alarm Dealer for whom this Subscriber is being monitored.
2.Name - The Name of the Call List Contact.
3.Phone Number - The Telephone Number that will be dialed.
4.Type - The Type or Location of the listed Telephone Number.
a)Home - This Telephone number is located at the person's Home.
b)Work - This Telephone number is located at the person's work location.
c)Cell Phone - This Telephone number is the person's Cell Phone.
d)Alpha Pager - This Telephone number is the person's Alpha Pager.
e)Digital Pager - This Telephone number is the person's Digital Pager
f)Unknown - The type of this Telephone number is not known.
5.Ext - The extension number of this individual, if required.


The General sub-tab on the Contacts tab lists the Name and other related information as defined in the People To Call Form following information:
Name - The full Name of the individual as defined in the People To Call Form.
Click on the Name to select the person to Contact.
Click the Dial button at the bottom of the Signal Processing Form to initiate the Telephone Contact.
Note: Complete information for the selected Contact will be displayed on the General sub-tab (shown in the illustration below).



General sub-tab in a Contacts tab on the Signal Processing screen


The Comments sub-tab on the Contacts tab displays any special Comments entered in the People To Call Form for the currently selected Contact.



Comments sub-tab on the Contacts tab


The Picture sub-tab is located on the Contacts tab as a sub-tab next to the General and Comments sub-tabs on the Contacts tab at the bottom of the Signal Processing Form.





Documenting Contacts:
Each time an Operator attempts (and/or successfully completes) a Notification for the Alarm Signal being processed using the list of Names and Telephone Numbers in the Contacts tab:
Click the Drop-Down Selection List provided at the bottom right side of the Contacts tab
Choose the appropriate Verification Response that best describes what occurred.
Operators should (and may be required to) enter a Note explaining the result of the Contact in the Note field provided:
Quick Notes - Press Shift+F2 to enter a Quick Note and/or any appropriate Comment about the Notification attempt.
OK - Click the OK ü button to record the Note.



Enter a summary Comment about the (attempted or completed) Contact


Using the eight Quick Dial & Action Buttons on the Contacts tab:
There are six Special Contact Dial Buttons on the Contacts tab, located below the Call List (see Call List above), that provide special functionality:
1.Verify - (Re-)Verify the Alarm Signal.
2.Police - Dispatch the Police Department.
3.Fire - Dispatch the Fire Department.
4.Medical - Dispatch a Medical response Team.
5.Other - Contact any other person by manually entering a Telephone Number.
6.Security - Dispatch the Security Company.
7.Investigated - Investigated - This option opens an Investigator Arrived dialog into which the Operator enters the required/appropriate information.
8.Dial - This option will (re-) Dial the currently selected Telephone Number in the Available Call List.