Print Checks

This Help File Page was last Modified on 07/18/2013

Print Checks

This Help File Page was last Modified on 07/18/2013

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Print Checks

This Help File Page was last Modified on 07/18/2013

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Once you've made Payments and Allocated them to Bills, and/or used the Disbursements Form to streamline that process, and/or run your Automatic Recurring Payments process, it's time to Print Checks.
On the Main Menu, Select Reports and Choose the Accounts Payable sub menu, then Click Print Checks.


Print Checks dialog


Bank - As Payments are posted and Allocated, and/or when you use the Disbursements Form, you must identify the Bank from which those Paymentsa are to be withdrawn.
Therefore when it's time to Print Checks, you must use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose the Bank from which you will withdraw these Payments.
Print For - If you have a Vendor Information Form open, the system assumes the currently selected Vendor is the one for whom you want to Print Checks.
All Vendors - This is the default if you do not have a Vendor Form open (see illustration above).
Current Vendor - This is the default if a Vendor Form is currently open (see illustration below).



The Account ID and Vendor Name will be displayed automatically.
If a Vendor Form is currently open, you may, if necessary, Click on the All Vendors button.
Check Format - The Default Format is for most users in the USA and elsewhere.
Use the Drop-Down Selection List to Choose Canadian Format, if required.



Check Format field


Starting Check Number - The next available check number to be used will be displayed automatically by the system.
Adjust Top Margin - If you are using a custom printed form that requires a Top Margin adjustment, Check this box.
Print Position - Enter the required adjustment .
Print - Click the Print button to Preview or Print these Checks.
If there are no Unprinted Checks, a message indicating that will be displayed.


No Checks To Be Printed


Confirm that you do want to continue the Check Printing process.


Print Checks?


You may Preview the Checks on screen prior to actually printing them.


Preview Checks First?


Yes - The selected Checks will be displayed on screen for you to Preview.


Sample Check printed from Preview


Click the Print Icon on the top left of the display to Print a Sample of these Checks.
Do not put the real Check documents in the Printer.
Once you have viewed the Checks, Click the Close button.
This will return you to the Print Checks dialog.
Choose Print again - but this time do not request a Preview!.
This will Print the actual Checks to the selected Printer in which you have inserted your Check forms.
No - The selected Checks will be printed once you Choose the appropriate Printer.
Cancel - The Print Checks process will be aborted.
Select the appropriate Printer in which you have inserted the correct set of blank Checks (there is no Print To File option available).



Printer Selection Dialog


Once they are Printed, you will be asked to Confirm that all of the Checks have printed correctly.



Did all checks print correctly?


If you answer Yes, the transactions will be internally finalized.
Reprinting Checks using the Void Bad Checks dialog:
If you answered No - some or all of the checks did not print correctly - you must identify which check numbers must be Voided (identifying, by number, which ones were not printed correctly).



Void Bad Checks dialog


Press Ctrl+Left-Click to Choose each check number that must be Voided.
When you have Selected which check numbers must be Voided, Click OK to proceed.
The check numbers will be inserted into the Voided Check Numbers list.
The Payments for these Voided Checks may be Reprinted (with new check numbers), whenever required.
However, if no Checks were actually destroyed (Perhaps you forgot to put check paper in the printer? Again?), simply Click the Cancel button at the bottom of the dialog.
Are there any Checks to be Reprinted? - If you did Choose Cancel, but need to reprint one or more of the checks:



Are there any checks to be reprinted?


Answer Yes
Select the the Check Number(s) to be reprinted using the Select Checks For Reprint dialog:



Select Checks For Reprint dialog


Press Ctrl+Left-Click to Choose the check numbers that must be Reprinted.
Click OK to proceed.
Click the OK button to Confirm that the Checks are ready to be Reprinted.



Checks ready for reprint.


Select the appropriate Printer to Reprint the Checks that you have Selected.



Printer Selection Dialog