Vehicle Maintenance System

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/31/2012

Vehicle Maintenance System

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/31/2012

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Vehicle Maintenance System

This Help File Page was last Modified on 01/31/2012

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Your Company's Vehicles represent a major investment in the business.
Properly followed Vehicle Maintenance requirements will help ensure that you get the best use of this investment.
Tracking these Vehicle Maintenance requirements can be complicated and therefore it often does not get the attention it should.
The Vehicle Maintenance System provides the tools to:
Identify what Vehicles need to be maintained.
Set up the preferred Vehicle Maintenance Cycles.
Update completed maintenance information as it occurs.
Provides a list to gather current mileage on each Vehicle.
Reports the Services that are required to be performed on what specific vehicles.


To access the Vehicle Maintenance System, on the Main Menu Select Maintenance and Choose the Vehicle Maintenance to see the two data entry options that are available.
1.Vehicle Information - The Vehicle Information Form allows you to identify each Vehicle that is to be tracked, record general information, Insurance coverage, financing arrangements for the Vehicle, and enter the actual dates and types of maintenance that have been performed.
2.Vehicle Maintenance Options - The Vehicle Maintenance Options Form allows you to define the allowable periods and mileage traveled between critical services.


To access the Vehicle Maintenance Reports, on the Main Menu Select Reports and Choose the Vehicle Maintenance to see the two report options that are available.
1.Mileage List - Provides a printed list to be used to record the current mileage on each Vehicle being tracked within the Vehicle Maintenance System.
2.Services Required - Prints a list of the service(s) that will be required on each Vehicle being tracked within the Vehicle Maintenance System based on a selected date.